Thursday 15 March 2012



NPM : 21209128
Strategies for TOEFL iBT Listening Section
TOEFL iBT Listening section is delivered immediately after the Reading section. The Listening section of TOEFL iBT measures your ability to understand spoken English in academic settings. In TOEFL iBT the listening is done for 3 major purposes:
1. Listening for basic comprehension.
2. Listening for pragmatic understanding.
3. To connect and combine ideas presented in multiple information sources.
Each part of the Listening section (2 or 3 parts) consists of 1 long conversation and two lectures. The test takers hear each lecture or conversation only once. Lectures and conversations are 3-5 minutes long. During the listening the time is not running. The allotted time of 10 minutes for each part is only for answering the questions.
Preparation Strategies
Listen to spoken English from multiple sources as much as possible. Listen to English spoken movies and English spoken TV channels, listen to the radio and as many other listening sources as you may find. It would be better if your passages are academic or close to what is in TOEFL iBT. The more you practice listening, the better listener you will become.
Listen for the main idea. It is usually found at the beginning of the listening passages, while the details are dispersed throughout the lecture. The main idea will give you understanding of what the conversation/lecture is about. Then you may listen for details.
Learn to find how the ideas are presented in the listening passage. Some of the main relations between ideas include cause/effect, compare/contrast, and steps in a process.
Learn to listen for signal words that indicate different part of the passage - introduction, major steps, examples, conclusions, etc.
Build your vocabulary. While listening, try to guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from context. It is very important since there is a big chance to come across words you don't know at the real test. Then, you should guess their meaning. Write down every word you don't know and include it in your wordlist. Try to memorize it and use it in your speaking and writing. Flashcards could be a great way to improve your vocabulary.
Listen to conversations or lectures with variety of accents. In TOEFL iBT Listening section there is a variety of accents and pronunciations. For this reason, you should practice listening to a people with different accents and pronunciation patterns.
Practice note-taking. Note-taking is allowed during all sections of TOEFL iBT. Effective note-taking may highly improve your performance. It is almost impossible to memorize all clues and details provided in the Listening section. Moreover, you can hear the passages ONLY ONCE. Therefore, to answer the questions you have to rely on what you remember from the passage and your notes. See also our Effective Note-Taking Strategies.
Summarize in writing what you have heard, using your notes. Thus, you will learn to find the purpose and main idea of the listening, and also the most important details. You will also learn to take and use notes. It also helps in improving your writing skills.
Familiarize yourself with the type of questions in TOEFL iBT. Make sure that during the preparation you learn what answers are required by the different types of question. Some questions may ask you to provide two answers, others to click in a chart box. If you are familiar with the question types, you may save important time.
At the exam strategies
Forget about the Reading section. Now it is time to fully concentrate on the Listening section.
The clock is ticking only when you are answering the questions and not when you are listening to the passages. So, when you listen, forget about the clock.
Prepare for note-taking. Before the section starts, write down the words 'main idea', 'major points', and 'important details'. Under which word you will place your notes from the listening passage.
Do not be distracted by the speaker's accent, speaking style and delivery. Focus on the content and flow of information the speaker(s) deliver.
Listen to find clues that will help you understand what the speaker's purpose, attitude and degree of certainty is. Listen for words that show relationship between ideas.
Pay attention to the visual materials. Some of the visual materials in the Listening section bring important information. Blackboards show important words or phrases that are discussed during the lecture. Illustrations and graphics support the information presented in the lecture. They are available only when the lecturer refers to them.
Answering is different. In the Listening section you may not return to the previous questions to correct your answers. Nevertheless, you have to confirm twice that you want to move to the next question. First, when you provide your answer you have to press the NEXT button. After pressing the NEXT button you may alter you answer. To move to the next question you have to press OK button. Sometimes test takers forget this and lose important time. Please, set your mind that you have to press two buttons.
Take a guess. There is no penalty for an incorrect answer in TOEFL iBT. It doesn't bring any points. If you see you are running out of time, just take a guess and mark answers for all remaining questions. There is 25 % chance to guess the right answer.
Use i-Courses.org scored listening materials to practice, monitor your progress, and receive creative feedback with guidelines on how to improve your weaknesses and strengthen your strong sides.
Sumber : http://i-courses.org/?p=listening_tips
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Wednesday 14 March 2012

Daftar jenis bisnis orang Terkaya Dunia

 Ingin jadi seorang milyuner ? 
Tahukah anda bisnis apa saja yang menjadikan orang Terkaya di Dunia ?
Seperti dikutip detikFinance dari Majalah Forbes, Rabu (14/3/2012) industri yang mampu menghasilkan milyarder di dunia ada bermacam-macam.
Nomor satu adalah bisnis yang bergerak di sektor investasi. Sebanyak 143 orang yang duduk di jajaran orang terkaya dunia mengembangkan sektor investasi. Mengelola dana masyarakat dan 'memutarkannya' di beberapa produk investasi bisa menjadikan anda kaya.

Kedua, adalah bisnis  mode dan ritel yang menghasilkan 123 milyader dunia. Sebut saja Zara, Charles and Keith sampai ke Hermes dimana bermodalkan tren gaya masa kini industri mode bisa menghasilkan miliaran rupiah. Untuk pemain di Indonesia, bisnis mode yang sangat prospek adalah kerudung. Kerudung di indonesia sudah dianggap sebagai asesories.  Kaum hawa tidak segan untuk membeli kerudung untuk me matching kan dengan busananya. 

Lalu apa yang ketiga? bisnis real estate. Sebanyak 102 milyader dunia mengembangkan industri real estate. Dan ternyata untuk menjadi pengusaha property tidak mesti menyiapkan modal yang besar. Ada cara-cara cerdas berbisnis property . Dan kisah sukses seorang pensiunan yang dengan modal 20 juta mampu membangun property seharga 350 jt an.

Ditingkat kelima ternyata industri yang paling favorit dan menempatkan sesorang menjadi orang terkaya di seluruh dunia adalah bisnis  industri teknologi.
Berada ditempat ke-lima industri paling banyak menghasilkan milyuner ternyata industri teknologi yang membawa Mark Zukerberg menjadi salah satu jajaran orang terkaya yang cukup cepat prosesnya.

Pendiri Microsoft-pun, yakni Bill Gates harus berterima kasih kepada industri ini karena pernah menempatkannya menjadi orang terkaya sedunia.

Profesor di Stanford Graduate School of Business Peter Wendell, mengatakan industri teknologi tetap terus berkembang jika masyarakat mampu melirik mana yang akan menjadi favorit kedepan.

"Beberapa yang berpikir untuk lebih maju dan lebih terfokus yakni bagaimana fokus untuk membuat alat menganalisis data dan tidak lupa alat untuk menyimpan data," ungkapnya.

Wendell juga melihat calon milyader adalah orang pintar yang melihat bagaimana perkembangan media sosial kedepan.

"Pemahaman saya tentang cerita orang-orang seperti Bill Gates dan Steve Wozniak dan Steve Jobs bahwa mereka didorong oleh semangat," kata Teresa Amabile, Profesor Harvard Business School.

"Saya yakin dengan mengatakan bahwa mereka lebih produktif dan kreatif ketika mereka bekerja pada sesuatu dimana ketika mereka berada dalam suatu lingkungan yang memungkinkan mereka untuk membuat kemajuan," imbuhnya.

Berikut 10 industri bisnis yang paling banyak 'menghasilkan' milyader, orang terkaya di dunia :
1. Bisnis Investasi : 143 milyader dunia
2. Bisnis Fashion : 123 milyader dunia
Bisnis Real Estate: 102 milyader dunia
Bisnis Diversifikasi: 97 milyader dunia
Bisnis Teknologi Informasi : 90 milyader dunia
Bisnis Manufaktur: 85 milyader dunia
Bisnis Energi: 78 milyader dunia
Bisnis Keuangan: 77 milyader dunia
Bisnis Food & Beverage: 69 milyader dunia
Bisnis Media: 64 milyader dunia

source : detik
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Tuesday 13 March 2012

Teknologi Layar Datar

FotoLutu.Blogspot.Com rada ngerasa heran, kenapa yah layar datar dianggap teknologi canggih? Tv layar datar yang beredar di pasaran antara lain LCD (Layar Cukup Datar -- makasih buat Kang Soleh Solihun untuk inspirasinya) dan LED (Layar Emang Datar). Tapi ada juga sih LCD yang nggak datar, yaitu LCD, Layar Cembung Deh.
Sebetulnya, sih, dari dulu di kampung-kampung udah pada kenal sama teknologi layar datar, yaitu LTD, Layar Tancep Datar.

Lumayan datar, sih.Kalo nggak datar, atau rada benjol-benjol dikit, orang-orang yang nonton pada ngedumel soalnya.
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Galau Tidak Identik Dengan Jomblo

Jomblo nggak selalu identik dengan galau. Yang udah punya pasangan atau berumah tangga pun, galau juga.

Ini buktiknya, yang udah punya pacar pun bisa galau. 
(ini orang lagi sedih, tapi kok yang nge-like banyak ya? Wah temennya banyak yang kejam, nih, :D)

Yang terobsesi jadi seleb juga galau.

Yang pengen nyalon di pemilukada juga galau.
(cieee... galau tapi heroik, biar ngga dibilang lemah... hahay)

Masih ada lagi, sih, yang udah berumah tangga pun masih galau aja, tapi yang kayak gitu nggak saya masukin di sini. Masa masalah rumah tangga dicurhatin di FB? Malu, dong. ama tembok.
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